Dermarolling Therapy for Asian Skin: A Low Cost Yet Effective Treatment you Should Never Miss!

Is Dermarolling Therapy effective for Asian Skin type? Will it be able to reduce or remove any post-acne scarring, wrinkles, pigmentations and other conditions of the skin? Does an ethnic skin cause some limitations on the success of the treatment?

Over the years, newer dermatologic treatment modalities emerge to treat various skin conditions and one of them is microneedling with dermarollers. [1] It is used as a treatment for wide array of skin problems including:

  • Acne Vulgaris
  • Melasma
  • Skin pigmentations
  • Wrinkles
  • Scars
  • Fine lines
  • Aging Skin and many others.

Ongoing studies are being made to test dermarolling therapy in various skin types and one of the recent studies is to explore its effectiveness on Asian skin.

Will Dermarolling Therapy Works for Asian Skin?

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A study was made to evaluate the effectiveness of dermarolling therapy in treating post acne scarring for Asian Skin. Having a scar may cause depression and feelings of embarrassment particularly if it seen on the visible areas of the skin.  This is particularly more troublesome for those having darker skin complexion like Asian skin and other ethnic skin types.

In the study, 36 Asian volunteers from ages 18 to 40 years of old underwent dermarolling treatment for their postacne atrophic facial scars.  They had five dermarolling treatments which are done on a monthly intervalAfter the therapy, it was observed that they have significant improvement in their acne scarring.

Around 75% of the patient noted a reduction on their acne scars. Investigators who compared the previous and recent photos of the volunteers noted 50% to 75% improvement.1 At the end of the procedure, majority of the patients had positive response on the efficacy of the treatment.

The entire procedure was well tolerated by most patients. The only noted side effects are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and some scarring in a few patients. Without a doubt, microneedling with dermaroller is a cheap and simple procedure with no to little downtime.

It is applicable for various skin types including Asian and other ethnic skin. The good thing about this treatment is that there was no or few noted side effect among the volunteers.

Is there any Possible Complication for Asian Skin Type?

Will a particular skin type has an effect on the success of the dermarolling treatment?

Having an ethnic skin is not exception for having a successful skin resurfacing procedures. In fact, a lot of these procedures are effective for Asian skin such as:

  • Dermabrasion
  • Laser Therapy
  • Chemical Peels [2]

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These treatment modalities are very popular among the Asian population. If there is any potential complication from this treatment is that having an ethnic skin is associated with some risk of complications and longer recovery time.

One of the common problem experiences by Asian skin types is that they have higher risk of having scarring and depigmentation if they underwent skin resurfacing procedure. This may result to unsatisfied patient and other potential complications.

Microneedling with dermarolling is a newer treatment modality that is being used in increasing number of skin conditions. Unlike with the other skin resurfacing procedure, dermarolling therapy offers a more safety profile which is suited for ethnic skin.  In fact, it can be used in any color skin type.

As compared, with the other traditional resurfacing treatment, dermarolling treatment is by far the most effective in treating wide array of dermatologic condition that is suited for Asian skin type.

Is Dermarolling Therapy Really Effective?

Dermarolling therapy has been used one of the treatment for various skin condition including acne scars.  [3] Acne problem for example is already a challenging condition to treat considering that there are many types of acne such as:

  • Boxcar
  • Icepick
  • Hypertrophic
  • Rolling
  • Keloidal

These skin lesions are disfiguring and may cause psychological distress among the patient.  Various treatments were used to treat the condition including:

  • Dermaroller
  • Subcision
  • Cryoroller
  • Punch Excision
  • Lasers
  • Chemical Peelings

Among them, dermarolling treatment is one the most popular and commonly used dermatologic procedure because it is simple to do and very affordable. Patients from all walks of life can afford this treatment. More so patient observed improvement in their skin after a series of therapy.

The good thing about dermarolling treatment is that it can be combined with other treatment modality for more effective results. As noted in a study, a combined subcision and dermarolling therapy is more effective in treating acne scar. If ever there are side effects, these are temporary and will resolve in a few days.

The possible side effects noted are:

  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Slight discomfort
  • Redness of the skin

Why You Should Try Dermarolling Therapy?

A lot has been said about dermarolling therapy. You may have learned from celebrity news that it is one of the treatments used by popular Hollywood celebrities. It is also becoming popular not just in developed but developing countries.

There many countries in Asia where their dermatologist are performing this technique on their clinics. It is popular and effective treatment because:

  • The procedure is simple to perform.
  • It is cheap and very affordable.
  • Little to no downtime.
  • Faster recovery.
  • Suited for various skin types including Asian skin and other ethnic skin types.
  • Fewer and tolerable side effects.
  • Can be combined with other treatment modalities.
  • Good safety profile
  • Improve results.
  • Effective in treating wide array of skin condition. It can be used for skin rejuvenation, reducing acne scars and other dermatologic conditions.


[1] Dogra S, Yadav S, Sarangal R. (2014). Microneedling for acne scars in Asian skin type: an effective low cost treatment modality. J Cosmet Dermatol. , 180-7.

[2] Cohen BE, Elbuluk N. (2016). Microneedling in skin of color: A review of uses and efficacy. J Am Acad Dermatol. , 348-55.

[3] Gadkari R, Nayak C. (2014). A split-face comparative study to evaluate efficacy of combined subcision and dermaroller against combined subcision and cryoroller in treatment of acne scars. J Cosmet Dermatol. , 38-43.

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