Worried about derma roller side effects? Find out what to expect after derma rolling and if there are any derma roller side effects you should know.

Derma Roller Side Effects

Derma roller is an amazing beauty tool for skin regeneration. But we often see our customers asking us or themselves if derma roller treatments have any side effects. In this article we’ll explain what to expect after using derma roller and that there really aren’t any derma roller side effects you should be worried about.

What To Expect After Derma Rolling

Derma roller effectiveness is based on the tiny injuries it causes in skin that triggers skin renewal process. The deeper the needles go, the more they activate the skin internal regeneration.

So this is pretty obvious that the longer the derma roller needles, the longer you may expect there will be visible irritation noticeable on treated skin area.

Skin Redness As One Of Derma Roller Side Effects

It is normal for your skin to be red after needling, with longer needles and more aggressive treatments some redness may occur even the next day. When you look your skin closely, you may notice the small traces of needle punctures on the skin, but there are no visible wounds. From distance it appears similar to sunburn.

Usually your skin tone will normalize in few hours after needling, if not sooner.

If you are planning using a longer needle size like 1.0 or 1.5 mm derma roller, do it on Friday evening, so your skin will be naturally glowing by Monday, with no traces of the needling.

Skin Care After Derma Rolling

You can cover the redness with mineral make-up or a tinted moisturizer. So you can return to normal activities immediately if needed. Also apply good sunscreen before going out. We recommend to avoid direct sun-exposure and tanning beds for a week.

Derma Roller Safety

Using the derma roller on healthy skin is a must. If you have any of the following conditions, please do not use the derma roller to risk damaging your health or skin.

Using the dermaroller is not recommended for those with the following

  • Active skin infections
  • Chronic skin disorders
  • Blood clotting problems
  • Poor healing
  • Skin malignancies
  • Eczema
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis
  • Severe solar keratosis
  • Raised moles or warts
  • Herpes outbreaks or any other skin inflammation
  • Areas of sunburn, open cuts or other sore and tender areas

Safely Buy Derma Roller From Derma Roller Shop

We have best range of derma rollers & skin needling products, suitable for different needs & budgets. Enjoy our free support & derma roller guides to make it easier for you to benefit most from derma roller treatments.

Buy derma roller from us, we make no false promises & welcome you as our customer. If your would like to know more about us & our products, see our about us section. Or simply contact us. Any time.

Kaia is the CEO & founder of the Dermaroller Shop. She's truly passionate about skin care & DIY dermaroller treatments. Soon a licensed aesthetician helping people feel and look their best.. Circle Kaia Vanari On Google+

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