Entries by Dr Dermaroller

Health and Wellness: Is Derma Rolling Effective in Relieving Swollen Lymph Nodes?

You may have heard a lot about the amazing benefits and applications of derma rolling therapy.  It is an effective treatment in reducing scars, wrinkles, cellulites, and other skin marks. It is also used for hair growth, skin rejuvenation, to prevent the signs of aging and many others. Currently, there are many studies being done […]

Skin Care For Teens: Is Derma Rolling Suitable for Teenagers With Post Acne Scars?

 Do they need other Skin Care Equipment? Having post acne scars are quite common among teenagers. It is considered as a normal rite of passage from adolescence to adulthood.  Post acne scar is a quite devastating skin condition among teenagers because of its visibility and it usually occurs in this critical stage of social development. […]